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[adudugi jira] verb flee, hasten, go away
Speaker: Zasina Roita
[adudugi jira ] verb flee
Speaker: Mariam Roita
noun self-respect
[akujkuju] noun plaited hair
[alən bagulən kakabunjən] sentence we two are brothers
[aniŋadʒudʒun] noun his father’s father
[apajaj] imperative send it
Speaker: Opino Gomango
[atinasaŋgamlindin] conjunction because
[banantɨn] noun division, share
[baobob] noun grey hair
Speaker: Opingo Gomango
[baobob] noun white-haired
[baobobmər] noun white-haired person
[barbar] verb exchange
[baŋaŋtoŋən] verb frighten (occurs in a song)
[beʔbeʔden] verb suck
[bo palpal] noun half rupee
[bondodon] verb turn on
[bubudən] noun worm
[buŋsuŋ] noun boat
[danəŋdəŋ] noun obstruction
[diŋdiŋtin] verb stretch
[dumba turturmar] noun a village guard of the Dom caste
[dɨrdɨrna] verb thrust
[dʒalili] verb extend
[dʒibdʒibna] verb swear
[dʒidʒisɨr] noun tie the paddy field, set up bund in a field
[dʒonanabaj] noun ear of corn
[dʒudʒu] noun father’s father
[dʒudʒum] noun ancestor
[dʒugrəmdəm] noun difficulty
[dʒumbərmər] noun thief
[ejgej] evocative a particle used while addressing a boy
[gagagaj] noun the month of October-May; harvesting the paddies
[gaganən] noun gaping
[ganigan apari] noun spittle
[garariŋ kəd] noun panther
[giginaŋ] verb scratch
[giginən] verb have scratches from ones own nail or claw
[gojbɨr bɨrən] noun a joking relation
[gərigirən bategigirən] verb scratch another with a pointed article like, thorn, claw
[irsiruŋna daŋran] noun grown up unmarried boy
noun mother’s father
[jajam] noun mother’s elder sister; stepmother
noun wrinkle
[jujum] noun ancestor (fem.)
verb shaked, be
[kaka] noun crow
[kalik kalik] noun glitter
[konondun] verb grapple, seize by throwing arms around
[kuku] noun cough
[kukutəmna] verb gargle
[kumkumsi] noun fist
Speaker: Marie Gomango
pronoun there
[kurundiŋandiŋle atiki banteja] verb distribute food after cooking
[kənkən seriŋ] phrase sed in songs to set the voice in proper tune, lit. "this, this way"
[mandrandʒi] noun men
[memen arub] noun breast milk
[meʔme] noun breast
[miʔmiʔdəm] verb doze
noun black gram
[okakaʔ] noun sack
noun grasshopper
[pumpumti] verb make swell
[pupun] noun cake
[puraran] noun heart
[saŋaŋən] noun door
[saŋsaŋ] noun turmeric
[sinajsaj] verb desire
noun spectacles
[sənajsaj] noun want
[sənajsajdəm] noun want
[tata] noun father’s elder brother, mother’s elder sister’s husband
[tatalaj] noun sister’s son
[tenemjɨm konondun] noun a mutual grappling
[tiriru peʔ] noun flute
[titi adʒaita] adverb down there
[titi seriŋ] pronoun there, the one belonging to that place
[titin] noun tamarind
Speaker: Oranchu Gomango
[tutudʒan] noun star
[tutulmər] noun guard
noun a kind of garden lizard
[wanəm aməŋ dʒibdʒibna] noun swearing by ones father
[əpsanana] verb make another small (vb.)
[ɲʊɲʊŋa] verb teach
[apəŋjəŋ] adjective easy
[dʒu marmar] noun man eater
[gelgelsitoŋən] noun a dance in a row holding each others hands, called in De.
[kurkur taman] verb kiss